" && $buf[1] == ">" ) { # Create string "U49145 [unidentified soil organism]Uniden (650 nt)" # >>unc|U49145|USU49145 [unidentified soil organism]Uniden (650 nt) $arr1 = split( "\|", $buf, 3 ); $arr2 = split( "[ +]", $arr1[ 2 ], 2 ); $strArr[ $iSup ] = $arr1[ 1 ]." ".Chop( $arr2[ 1 ] ); # Skip string "initn: 282 init1: 282 opt: 299 Z-score: 305.1 bits: 63.4 E(): 6.6e-11" #_______________________________________________________________________________________ $buf = fgets( $f, 1024 ); $arr = split( "[ +]", trim( strstr( $buf, "Z-score:" ) ) ); $zscore[ $iSup ] = $arr[ 1 ]; # Get string "75.652% identity in 115 nt overlap (244-357:3-116)" #_______________________________________________________________________________________ $buf = fgets( $f, 1024 ); if( strchr( $buf, ";" ) ) { $buf = substr( strchr( $buf, ";" ), 1 ); } $arr = split( "[%(:)-]", trim( $buf ) ); $Perc = $arr[ 0 ]; # Perc = 75.652 if( $arr[ 2 ] < $arr[ 3 ] ) { $Beg = $arr[ 2 ]; # Beg = 244 $End = $arr[ 3 ]; # End = 357 } else { $Beg = $arr[ 3 ]; # Beg = 244 $End = $arr[ 2 ]; # End = 357 } #echo "Perc ".$Perc." Beg ".$Beg." End ".$End."
"; # Skip empty string #-------------------- $buf = fgets( $f, 1024 ); # String with numbers of query sequence " 220 ..." #--------------------------------------------------- $buf = fgets( $f, 1024 ); #echo $buf."
"; # shf1 - first position of the first number, here shf1 = 11 # 220 230 #<- shf1 --> #----------------------------------------------------------- $shf1 = strspn( $buf, " " ); # shf2 - number of digit in the first number, here shf2 = 3 #----------------------------------------------------------- $shf2 = strcspn( substr( $buf, $shf1 ), " " ); $arr = split( "[ +]", trim( $buf ) ); # Beg2 - the first number, here 220 #------------------------------------ $Beg2 = $arr[ 0 ]; #echo "shf1 ".$shf1." shf2 ".$shf2." Beg2 ".$Beg2."
"; $buf = fgets( $f, 1024 ); # querName - name of the query sequence #--------------------------------- $querName = split( "[ +]", $buf ); # querSeq - first part of the query sequence #--------------------------------------- $querSeq = trim( substr( $buf, $shf1+$shf2+( $Beg - $Beg2 ) - 1 ) ); $buf = fgets( $f, 1024 ); # part bank sequence is in the buf #--------------------------------- $buf = fgets( $f, 1024 ); # bankName - name of the bank sequence #--------------------------------- $bankName = split( "[ +]", $buf ); # bankSeq - first part of the bank sequence #--------------------------------------- $bankSeq = trim( substr( $buf, $shf1+$shf2+( $Beg - $Beg2 ) - 1 ) ); while( $buf = fgets( $f, 1024 ) ) { if( $buf[0] == ">" && $buf[1] == ">" ) break; if( !strcmp( substr( $buf, 0, strlen( $querName[ 0 ] ) ), $querName[ 0 ] ) ) { $arr = split( "[ +]", trim( $buf ) ); $querSeq .= $arr[ 1 ]; } if( !strcmp( substr( $buf, 0, strlen( $bankName[ 0 ] ) ), $bankName[ 0 ] ) ) { $arr = split( "[ +]", trim( $buf ) ); $bankSeq .= $arr[ 1 ]; } } #echo $querSeq."
"; #echo $bankSeq."
"; $beg[ $iSup ][ 0 ] = 0; $len[ $iSup ][ 0 ] = 0; $i = 0; $idx = 0; $inMotif = 1; if( strlen( $bankSeq ) < strlen( $querSeq ) ) $minLen = strlen( $bankSeq ); else $minLen = strlen( $querSeq ); while( $idx < $minLen ) { #echo "idx ".$idx."quer ".$querSeq[ $idx ]."bank ".$bankSeq[ $idx ]; if( $inMotif ) { if( $bankSeq[ $idx ] != '-' ) { #echo " not equal
"; if( $querSeq[ $idx ] != '-' ) $len[ $iSup ][ $i ]++; } else { #echo " equal
"; $inMotif = 0; $i++; $beg[ $iSup ][ $i ] = $beg[ $iSup ][ $i-1 ] + $len[ $iSup ][ $i-1 ] + 1; } } else { if( $bankSeq[ $idx ] == '-' ) $beg[ $iSup ][ $i ]++; else { $inMotif = 1; $len[ $iSup ][ $i ] = 1; } } $idx++; } for( $i = 0; $i < count( $beg[ $iSup ] ); $i++ ) { $beg[ $iSup ][ $i ] += $Beg; if( $i == ( count( $beg[ $iSup ] ) - 1 ) ) $len[ $iSup ][ $i ] = $End - $beg[ $iSup ][ $i ]; } for( $i = 0; $i < count( $beg[ $iSup ] ); $i++ ) { #echo "iSup ".$iSup."i ".$i."beg ".$beg[ $iSup ][ $i ]." len ".$len[ $iSup ][ $i ]; if( $i == ( count( $beg[ $iSup ] ) - 1 ) ) $len[ $iSup ][ $i ] = $End - $beg[ $iSup ][ $i ]; } $iSup++; } else { $buf = fgets( $f, 1024 ); } } $maxLen = 0; for( $i=0; $i < $iSup; $i++) { for( $j=0; $j < count( $beg[ $i ] ); $j++) { $maxLen = max( $maxLen, ( $beg[ $i ][ $j ] + $len[ $i ][ $j ] ) ); } } #echo "maxLen ".$maxLen."
"; fclose( $f ); } #-------------------------------------------------------- # Create Graphic Alignment GIF-file #-------------------------------------------------------- function makeGrapAli( $iSup, $beg, $len, $maxLen, $power, $gif_file, $bor, $size, $key_size, $wid, &$hei ) { $hei = $size*( 2*$iSup ) + 5*$bor + $key_size; # Header("Content-type: image/gif"); $k = imagecreate( $wid, $hei ); imagefilledrectangle( $k, 0, 0, $wid, $hei, $white ); $key = imagecreatefromPng( "/www/fast_key.png" ); imagecopyresized( $k, $key, 0, 0, 0, 0, $wid, $key_size, $wid, $key_size ); $white = imagecolorallocate($k,255,255,255); $red = imagecolorallocate($k,255,0,0); $green = imagecolorallocate($k,0,128,0); $magen = imagecolorallocate($k,128,0,128); $blue = imagecolorallocate($k,0,0,255); $black = imagecolorallocate($k,0,0,0); $x = 2*$bor + $key_size; imagefilledrectangle( $k, $bor, $x, $wid - $bor, $x+$size, $red ); $x += $size + 2*$bor; for( $i=0; $i < $iSup; $i++) { if( $power[ $i ] > 200.0 ) { $color = $red; } else if( $power[ $i ] > 80.0 ) { $color = $green; } else if( $power[ $i ] > 50.0 ) { $color = $magen; } else if( $power[ $i ] > 40.0 ) { $color = $blue; } else $color = $black; for( $j=0; $j < count( $beg[ $i ] ); $j++) { $b = intval( $bor+$beg[ $i ][ $j ]*( $wid - 2*$bor )/$maxLen ); $e = intval( $bor+($beg[ $i ][ $j ]+$len[ $i ][ $j ])*( $wid - 2*$bor )/$maxLen ); #echo "beg ".$beg[ $i ][ $j ]." len".$len[ $i ][ $j ]." b ".$b." e ".$e." power ".$power[ $i ]." color ".$color."
"; imagefilledrectangle( $k, $b-1, $x, $e, $x+$size-1, $color ); } $x += 2*$size; } #$er = imagegif( $k, $gif_file ); $er = imagePng( $k, $gif_file ); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns 0 if all chosen banks are protein, otherwise - return 1. function bankProt( $database, &$name ) { for( $i=0; $i < count( $database ); $i++) { if( $database[ $i ] != "swiss" && $database[ $i ] != "swisstrembl" ) { $name .= $database[ $i ]; return 1; } } return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Show all best scores. function showBest( $fileName ) { # 1. ---------------------------------------- # Skip all string up to contaning 'Best score' echo "

Best Scores

"; echo "
   $fileIO = fopen( $fileName, "r" );
   while( $buf = fgets( $fileIO, 128 ) )  {
      if( ereg( "The best", $buf ) )   {
         echo   "".$buf."";

   #  2. ----------------------------------------
   #  Create best scores strings.

   $i = 1;
   while( $buf = fgets( $fileIO, 128 ) ) {
      if( strlen( $buf ) <= 2 )
      $parts = split( "\|", $buf, 3 );
      $subparts = split( " ", $parts[ 2 ], 2 );
      echo $parts[0]."|".$parts[1]."|"."".$subparts[0].""." ".$subparts[1];
      $i += 1;
   echo "
"; # 3. ---------------------------------------- # Create Alignments list. echo "


"; echo "
   $i     = 0;
   while( $buf = fgets( $fileIO, 128 ) ) {
      if(  $buf[0] == ">" )     {
         if( !$i )
            echo "

"; $i += 1; echo "Alignment $i
"; $parts = split( "\|", $buf, 3 ); echo $parts[0]."|".$parts[1]."|".$parts[2]; } else echo $buf; } echo "
"; } ?>

Belozersky Institute


Russian EMBnet Node

Basic Fasta 3.4
Dr. W.R. Pearson
DataBases including EST

Enter or Paste here your sequence in FASTA format

Any comments or suggestions are welcomed at: nik@genebee.msu.su
"; echo "
Processing your request...
"; flush(); #........add to database......... //require("/www/db/connect.php3"); $TaskID=13; $SenderMail=$emailaddress; //insert_message_to_db($TaskID, $SenderMail); #............................... # 1. --------------------------------------------------------- # Check correspondence between bank & program choises. if( ( ( $program == "tfastx" || $program == "tfasty" || $program == "tfasts" || $program == "tfastf" ) && bankProt( $database, $errBank ) == 0 ) || ( ( $program == "fastf" || $program == "fasts" || $program == "fastx" || $program == "fasty" ) && bankProt( $database, $errBank ) != 0 ) ) { echo "
Dear Fasta user!
You select incompatible combination:
database $errBank and program $program
Please look at the description
"; } # 2a. -------------------------------------------------------- # Create file with list of choosen banks. $fBankName = tempnam( "/tmp/", "fas" ).".nam"; $fbank = fopen( $fBankName, "w" ); for($i = 0; $i < count( $database ); $i++ ) { if( $database[ $i ] == "swiss" ) fputs( $fbank, "/HOME/molbio/DB/blast/".$database[ $i ]."-".$sproRel." 12\n" ); else { if( $database[ $i ] != "swisstreml" ) { $arrName = split( "[ +]", $database[ $i ] ); for( $j = 0; $j < count( $arrName ); $j++ ) { fputs( $fbank, "/HOME/molbio/DB/blast/".$arrName[ $j ]."-".$emblRel." 12\n" ); # fputs( $fbank, "/HOME/molbio/DB/blast/".$database[ $i ]."-".$emblRel." 12\n" ); } } } } fclose( $fbank ); # 2a. -------------------------------------------------------- # Create 'fastgdb' file. $fgdbName = tempnam( "/tmp/", "fas" ); $fgdb = fopen( $fgdbName, "w" ); # MUST be 0 - protein, 1 - nucleotide. $sign = bankProt( $database, $errBank ); $str = "BANK$".$sign."C@".$fBankName." 12"; fputs( $fgdb, $str ); fclose( $fgdb ); # 3. --------------------------------------------------------- # Call the chosen program. # 3a. -------------------------------------------------------- # Write sequence to temporary file. $fseqName = tempnam( "/tmp/", "fas" ); $fseq = fopen( $fseqName, "w" ); fputs( $fseq, $seq ); fclose( $fseq ); # 3b. -------------------------------------------------------- # Proper call the program. $fresName = tempnam( "/tmp/", "fas" ); #$fresName = "/tmp/ccc"; $program .= "34"; if( $sign != 1 && $program != "fasty34" && $program != "tfasty34" ) $callStr = "./$program $fseqName C -l $fgdbName -s $matrix > $fresName"; else $callStr = "./$program $fseqName C -l $fgdbName > $fresName"; #echo "Call string: ".$callStr."
"; system( $callStr ); # 4. --------------------------------------------------------- # Show results. if( $emailaddress != "" ) { $callMail = "cat $fresName | mail -s \"Fasta34 Results from GeneBee\" $emailaddress"; #echo $callMail."
"; system( $callMail ); } echo "
Fasta34 Results

"; echo "Reference
"; echo "Graphical alignment
"; echo "Best scores
"; echo "Alignments

"; echo "


"; echo "W.R. Pearson & D.J. Lipman PNAS (1988) 85:2444-2448
"; echo "

Query sequence:

"; $seqStr = split( "\n", $seq ); echo "
   for( $i = 0; $i < count( $seqStr ); $i++ )  {
      $lseqStr = ltrim( $seqStr[ $i ] );
      if( $i == 0 )
         echo "".$lseqStr."
"; else echo $lseqStr."
"; } echo "

"; #echo $seq."
"; getMotFast( $iSup, $beg, $len, $maxLen, $zscore, $strArr, $fresName ); #getMotFast( $iSup, $beg, $len, $maxLen, $zscore, $strArr, "aaa2" ); $size = 3; $bor = 5; $wid = 600; $key_size = 33; #$gif_file = "../trash/ddd2.gif"; $gif_file = tempnam( "../trash/", "fas" ); makeGrapAli( $iSup, $beg, $len, $maxLen, $zscore, $gif_file, $bor, $size, $key_size, $wid, &$hei ); echo "

Graphic Alignment

"; echo ""; $up = 4*$bor + $key_size; $down = $up + 2*$size; for( $i = 0; $i < $iSup; $i++ ) { $idx = $i + 1; $a = "#a".$idx; $rig = $wid-$bor; $curStr = $strArr[ $i ]; echo ""; #echo ""; $up += 2*$size; $down += 2*$size; } echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "

"; showBest( $fresName ); # 5. --------------------------------------------------------- # Delete all temporary files. system( "rm $fBankName" ); system( "rm $fgdbName" ); system( "rm $fseqName" ); } ?>