AliGraf - GeneBee Graphical Alignment Help
General options
Alignment title
Type in a title for this session for you to remember. This title used in the pictures.
Short name
Type in an alignment algorith name (Genebee, ClustalW, Manual...). This name placed
at upper left corner of the pictures.
Picture options
Picture size
All images have same size. Width and height of the images may be set
from 450 to 3000 and 200 to 10000 pixels, respectively. Defaults are 765 and "AUTO".
When height set to "AUTO", the program selects the value itself (about 16 pixels per displayed sequence).
Coloring mode
Even - all column space are colored;
Sparse - every column is colored with respect to the column weight:
less weight more space is left uncolored;
Very sparse - more space is left uncolored. So, important columns
(with greater weight) are better seen.
Splitting block size
Long alignments can be splitted into several parts. You can select the size of one part in the range 50 to 500 letters.
Weight matrices
Select a weight matrix to compute the column weights.
Defaults are Blosum62 for protein and DNA/RNA for nucleotide.
Picture types
An alighment can be presented in one or several graphical forms
All groups - all letter groups are colored;
Max group at column - colored only letters of a maximum (dominant) group
at every column;
Column values - a few statistical functions (column values):
- the number of letters in max group at the column,
- the number of same letters at the column,
- the number of groups at the column,
- the weight of the column;
Column values (best-to-worst) - same functions but another ordering.
That is in the range best to worst over X-axe.
Also you can get a picture when only selected groups are colored.
Color group type
AUTO - the program defines the molecular type of the source
alignment and selects respective group type;
Protein - protein groups will be used (see below);
Nucleotide - nucleotide groups will be used (see below);
You can select the color group type, protein or nucleotide, or leave it to
the program (the type "AUTO") to decide which one should be used.
There are the following protein letter groups:
1. _______A G _______________
2. _______C _________________
3. _______D E N Q B Z _______
4. _______I L M V ___________
5. _______F W Y _____________
6. _______H _________________
7. _______K R _______________
8. _______P _________________
9. _______S T _______________
10. _______Others ____________
There are the following nucleotide letter groups:
1. _______A _________________
4. _______C _________________
6. _______G _________________
4. _______T U _______________
5. _______Others ____________
Add picture with selected groups
Select one or several groups to be colored in additional picture.
You can get also the picture just with gaps without any groups colored
(option "Gaps only").
Group set depends on selected group type.
The query alignment should be written in one-letter
code (low or upper case) and can be divided to several strings. It have to be blank string
between sequental batches and at the begining of every batch all sequence names should be
KAG2_CAVPO -----------------------------CGGVLVDPQWVLTAAHCIND--S---N
KAG_PIG -----------------------------CGGVLVNPKWVLTAAHCKND--N---Y
PLMN_PIG parvvggcvsiphswpwqislryryrgHFCGGTLISPEWVLTAKHC----------
TRYP_PIG -----------------------nsgsHFCGGSLINSQWVVSAAHCYKS--R---I
PLMN_PIG ------------lekssspssykvilgaheeyhlge
Most important alignment rules and typical errors:
1. Different sequences should have different names.
2. Empty symbols aren't advisory inside sequence name.
3. Several blanks are advisory between sequence and its name.
4. Empty lines are mandatory inside parts of alignment.
5. Gap symbol must be '-'.
6. Beginning and finishing gaps are necessary.
Last updated: August 26, 2001.